Gnarly News #5
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Gnars are a new way to fund extreme athletes
We prefer a world where kids aren't sold energy drinks by their heroes. So as a community of action sports enthusiasts, we've formed a DAO to rethink how extreme athletes get sponsored.
Gnars are NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain
Based on Nouns open source and CC0 artwork, they're stored fully on-chain with no external dependencies. Each one gets you a DAO vote and memberships are available at auction, forever.
Gnars are dedicated to supporting the artistry of extreme athletes
News and Updates
The second Gnarving is upon us!
You might’ve heard of this thing called the Gnarving, well the second one is almost here! With just over 100 auctions remaining, it’s possible that the second gnarving will take place between now and next week’s newsletter. Better get your bids in now before the competition starts heating up!
For those that haven’t heard yet, the gnarving occurs every 1,000 auctions and doubles the auction cadence for the following 1,000 auctions. Currently each auction is 20 minutes long, but after the gnarving auctions will last for 40 minutes!
Gnartwork Contest
The latest round of the Gnartwork contest will be coming to a close in the coming days. We’ve already received some amazing submissions but it’s not too late to get familiar with the Noundry studio and whip up some gnarly traits!

NFT Fest Australia
Gami has submitted a proposal to Nouns DAO to fund a nounish activation at NFT Fest Australia! The proposal requests to fund a Nouns sponsorship and includes a Gnars sponsorship, as well as a dioramic POAP powered photo booth, merchandise to hand out at the event, and a targeted street poster campaign. For full details, check out the tweet below.
It’s been a relatively slow week for active proposals, but we have some exciting proposal ideas in the works so I’ll briefly highlight several of those below. Please take a look and give feedback in the discord threads!
Gnars Flow Team
Many athletic brands have a core team and a flow team of riders that might be potential athletes someday. The Gnars Flow Team would be formed by athletes that are not necessarily ready for the stage of creating a proposal, either by not having the required gnars or reputation to interact in our ecosystem. The flow team would be a way for us to encourage people to generate content and be rewarded for it while at the same time gaining some experience in discord, our ecosystem, and crypto/web3 in general.
Taylor Carpenter and Ryan Ford (Parkour, World Chase Tag, etc)
Taylor and Ryan are from Apex School of Movement - one of the oldest, most well-known parkour schools and current world champions of World Chase Tag. While movement is their expertise, they’re also passionate about finding win-win ways to partner with and grow web3 projects like Gnars & Nouns. To see our full proposal with some backstory, vision, individual bios, deliverables, etc, please visit the proposal below.
Sponsor children in need to surf via TPM, a Brazilian NGO
TPM (All to the Sea) is an NGO that emerged as a feminist collective in 2016, working with the community of the Bay of Maracaípe-PE. Since then it has been contributing to the personal and social development of children, adolescents and women, through social and educational activities, using surfing as their main tool. Currently they attend about 70 children from 7 to 17 years old with a team of 8 powerful women. The sponsorship funding will help TPM pay their monthly cost (rent, bills, school and surf supplies). And also educate them about web3, Gnars and Lil Nouns. And produce tons of gnartwork and nounish media, with board stickers, drawings, and glasses made of residue.
Gnars.House Governance Client
This proposal is for a custom hosted and designed Gnars DAO governance client to scale member engagement, include richer context around proposals, members, and votes, and lay the groundwork for future DAO scaling.
Locals Only Animated Short
Locals Only will be a 2D animated short to be used as the 5-7 minute pilot episode for the creation of a complete animated series. The show is a TV-14/TV-MA rated comedy based around Duke, Flip, and Cam, three surfer beach bum friends in the fictional, Southern California surf town, Tidal Shores. They spend their days hanging out in their old, beaten up, van parked on their favorite locals only beach, La Playa Del Sol, drinking, smoking, talking shit to shoobies, and of course, tons of surfing. For details of how Gnars will be incorporated, check out the proposal below.
Sponsor I ⌐◨-◨ <3 XV event
I LOVE XV is ColetivoXV annual event which started as a protest by the local skaters in Rio. In 1997 there was no friendly architecture or good skateparks in Rio. The only good place was where the emperor used to live (Praça XV) cause it had European architecture, also as its located in downtown every bus line ended there, therefore in 1997 all the skaters of the city started to meet there until they released a law that forbids Skateboarding and bicycling in public squares. After years of protests, residents were able to change the city law and I LOVE XV became the most influential skateboard culture event in Brazil. Over 1000 skaters attend the event which by tradition starts with a huge Skateboarding parade.
This proposal includes multiple parts: the construction of a skatable noggles structure, prizes for the best tricks, a series of events to onboard new users to a web3 wallet and obtain their first NFT, and nounish video content featuring Gnars DAO. This event is an amazing opportunity to proliferate Gnars and Nounish culture to a bunch of gnarly people!
Shred to Earn
Coming soon! (I promise!)
Our Shred to Earn competitions will be debuting soon! We’re still working out the details to make sure the contest runs smoothly, but are hoping to get this going as soon as possible. Keep a close eye on our twitter for the announcement with the full details!
Community Highlights
Gnars v2 Dune Dashboard
Check out the updated Gnars v2 Dune dashboard. Some interesting visuals from the dashboard are shown below. The first is a chart of the number of unique wallets bidding on each auction, and as you can see this is steadily increasing over time, meaning more and more people are participating in the auctions. That’s exactly the kind of growth we want to see! Another interesting chart is the balance of our treasury over time, shown in the second graph below. The treasury has been relatively stable in the 70-80 ETH range even after funding the amazing proposals we’ve passed in recent weeks.
Banner Artist
This week’s newsletter banner was designed by @Skwalo09! Check them out on twitter and show some support!

Gnars Jam Sessions Podcast
I will continue asking you to check out the latest episode of the Gnars Jam Session podcast until it hits #1 on every streaming platform!😉 Also be sure to tune in live Thursday 10/27 at 8:00pm EST!
In Other Nouns
The Noun Square has been giving away ETH like it’s candy this month! We now have another contest with even BIGGER prizes, and it’s guaranteed to be a fun one. Introducing The Noun Square Costume Contest! We can’t wait to see what you all come up with.
Lil Nouns are also joining the fun and giving out prizes this Halloween. They’ll be giving away a variety of nounish NFTs so be sure to keep an eye out for the details of their pumpkin carving contest to be announced shortly!
Voting for the first round of The Noun Square Prop house ends in a few hours, keep your eyes peeled for the winners! Congrats to all entrants and good luck!
Lil Nouns Prop House Round 10 received a record 65 submissions! Be sure to get your votes in here before the deadline in 2 days.
The mysterious Noun Square Summaries builder has been unmasked as @blakeneit! They are doing a great job condensing the daily Noun Square shows into a quick read for all you busy people. Check them out on twitter and subscribe to the newsletter!

That’s all for this week! Keep proliferating and stay Gnarly ⌐◨-◨ 🤘