Gnarly News #7
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Gnars are a new way to fund extreme athletes
We prefer a world where kids aren't sold energy drinks by their heroes. So as a community of action sports enthusiasts, we've formed a DAO to rethink how extreme athletes get sponsored.
Gnars are NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain
Based on Nouns open source and CC0 artwork, they're stored fully on-chain with no external dependencies. Each one gets you a DAO vote and memberships are available at auction, forever.
Gnars are dedicated to supporting the artistry of extreme athletes
News and Updates
I ⌐◨-◨ <3 XV by ColetivoXV
The I LOVE XV by ColetivoXV annual event started as a protest by the local skaters in Rio and has a rich history in the local skate culture. This year’s event was sponsored by Gnars and featured a skatable noggles structure, prizes for the best tricks, a series of events to onboard new users to a web3 wallet and obtain their first NFT, and nounish video content featuring Gnars DAO. Check out some of the sick footage in our discord and on twitter!

Gnars Interview on LunarCrush
Gami had an amazing interview with Ian Tidwell from LunarCrush, the social intelligence platform. Check out their awesome conversation at the tweet below!

NFT Fest Australia
The proposal submitted to Nouns DAO to fund a nounish activation at NFT Fest Australia has been executed! The proposal requested funds for a Nouns sponsorship and included a bronze sponsorship on behalf of Gnars, as well as a dioramic POAP powered photo booth, merchandise to hand out at the event, and a targeted street poster campaign. For full details, check out the tweet thread below.

Sponsor Raphael Gibson (skateboarding) with 3 ETH
Raphael is an active member of Gnars DAO and a prominent member of his local community. He has skated for large brands such as Nike SB, OUS, and New Balance Numeric, as well as founder of Essência Skate, a skater for Disturb, and founder of unBLOCK, a company that through technology empowers artists and companies that want to enter on web3. He also helped lead the Lil Nouns Festival that was recently funded through the Lil Nouns Prop House, and played a role in the amazing ColetivoXV event mentioned above. Check him out on twitter and keep an eye out for his gnarly content over the next 6 months!
Fund the Development of GNARS.HOUSE
This proposal is for a custom hosted and designed Gnars DAO governance client to scale member engagement, include richer context around proposals, members, and votes, and lay the groundwork for future DAO scaling. The ask for this custom client was 0.5 ETH.
Scale Up Gnars Jam Sessions Podcast
Davin will lead a team over the course of the next 3 months to continue expanding the Gnars Podcasts! The team will be focusing on producing a weekly podcast, hosting a conversation with at least 1 Gnars member to share their background and stories, and transforming Podcast Content into additional formats to distribute Gnars Jam Session across platforms. The ask for this proposal was 3.069 ETH to cover the next 3 months of operating costs.
We have some exciting proposal ideas in the works, please take a look and give feedback in the discord threads!
Gnars Flow Team
Many athletic brands have a core team and a flow team of riders that might be potential athletes someday. The Gnars Flow Team would be formed by athletes that are not necessarily ready for the stage of creating a proposal, either by not having the required gnars or reputation to interact in our ecosystem. The flow team would be a way for us to encourage people to generate content and be rewarded for it while at the same time gaining some experience in discord, our ecosystem, and crypto/web3 in general.
Taylor Carpenter and Ryan Ford (Parkour, World Chase Tag, etc)
Taylor and Ryan are from Apex School of Movement - one of the oldest, most well-known parkour schools and current world champions of World Chase Tag. While movement is their expertise, they’re also passionate about finding win-win ways to partner with and grow web3 projects like Gnars & Nouns. To see our full proposal with some backstory, vision, individual bios, deliverables, etc, please visit the proposal below.
Sponsor children in need to surf via TPM, a Brazilian NGO
TPM (All to the Sea) is an NGO that emerged as a feminist collective in 2016, working with the community of the Bay of Maracaípe-PE. Since then it has been contributing to the personal and social development of children, adolescents and women, through social and educational activities, using surfing as their main tool. Currently they attend about 70 children from 7 to 17 years old with a team of 8 powerful women. The sponsorship funding will help TPM pay their monthly cost (rent, bills, school and surf supplies). And also educate them about web3, Gnars and Lil Nouns. And produce tons of gnartwork and nounish media, with board stickers, drawings, and glasses made of residue.
Sponsor Fortune Sentamu & Milton Akaki (Motor Cross - Offroad Circuits)
Fortune Sentamu and Milton Akaki are motorcross racers in Uganda with proven track records across East Africa. This proposal seeks to fund the creation of Gnars branded gear, a nounish photoshoot, as well as onboard these two young athletes to the Gnarthletes and Gnarfrica teams.
Sponsor Will Dias (Creative skateboarding)
This is a very interesting proposal that has been brought forth in the past week. Will Dias is not only a skateboarder, but also an extremely creative artist, and that really shows in the super unique content he creates. Please take the time to read through the proposal and watch the videos linked within.
Shred to Earn
Coming soon! (I promise!)
Our Shred to Earn competitions will be debuting soon! We’re still working out the details to make sure the contest runs smoothly, but are hoping to get this going as soon as possible. Keep a close eye on our twitter for the announcement with the full details!
Community Highlights
Banner Artist
This week’s newsletter banner was designed by @messhup! Check them out on twitter and show some support!
Gnars Jam Sessions Podcast
Be sure to tune in tonight every Thursday night at 8:00pm EST to catch the Jam Session live in action! Don’t stress if you can’t make it, all episodes will be published as a podcast for you to stream at your convenience.
In Other Nouns
The Composables Prop House Round has concluded and voting has begun. There will be 5 proposals selected out of the 33 submissions and awarded 4 ETH each!
Thank you to all the builders who entered into the Composables round on @nounsprophouse, some great entries coming in during the last couple of hours, lets take a look at just a couple: 🧵👇The “Build on @Composables_” Round is now closed to new entries. - 33 proposals were received - @nounsdao members will vote for their favorites - Top 5 props will receive 4 ETH each Vote here: House ⌐◨-◨ @nounsprophouseThe submission window for the Lil Nouns Prop House Round 21 ends on Monday, November 21 at 6:00pm EST. 5 winners will be awarded 1 ETH each!
I’ve been putting out a daily thread highlighting Lil Nouns and Nouns proposals, called The Daily Delegation. Check out yesterday’s update below.
Day after day The Noun Square continues to put on amazing shows! Be sure to check for the updates on twitter to the daily schedule. Don’t miss the daily Noun O’ Clock show and your chance to play FOMO Nouns and contribute to choosing the next Noun!
That’s all for this week! Keep proliferating and stay Gnarly ⌐◨-◨ 🤘